We achieve this by.
- Adhering to policies, procedures and processes which prioritise Social Responsibility and Wellbeing (including diversity, equity, inclusion, modern anti-slavery, elimination of harassment and bullying), Code of Conduct and Business Ethics.
- Offering an extensive Employee Assistance Program (EAP) that includes counselling and other services for our team and their families.
- Operating a fully flexible workplace, with supportive company policies and other great return-to-work and parental benefits.
- Running a comprehensive mentoring and buddy program, supported by a learning and development framework focused on technical and soft skills.
- Prioritising self-care for our teams and celebrating their accomplishments, professional and personal. Our regular sporting events, such as tennis days, office sports and trivia nights, ensure a thriving work environment.
- Hosting events to help raise awareness of important Diversity & Inclusion dates, such as International Women’s Day and NAIDOC week.
- We have a Wellbeing Committee and a Social Committee, working tirelessly to create a workplace environment and culture that supports mental health and well-being, coordinating annual flu shots, in-office massages, mental health training and corporate sports programs.